Sacramento County Employees' Retirement System  

Benefit Calculator

Please Note

If you have membership in more than one plan or tier, you will need to repeat the calculation for each membership plan or tier. You must add the estimated retirement allowance for each membership plan or tier to arrive at the total estimated retirement allowance.

Member Information

For a more complete report you can keep for your records, please fill out the fields below

* Required Fields

* Member Birth Date: 


Spouse / Domestic Partner Name:
Spouse / DP Birth Date:


* Planned Retirement Date: 


Plan & Tier of Membership:
* Estimated Final Monthly Compensation: 

This is your estimated final monthly compensation based on the most current information available. You may replace with projected final monthly compensation.

Anticipated purchases or other service credits in years:
Sick Leave in Hours:
Social Security Estimate


Note - Public Service and Additional Retirement Credit (ARC) will increase your retirement benefit allowance only. It will NOT count towards becoming vested or determining your retirement eligibility date.

Please enter your 'Member Birth Date'
your 'Estimated Final Monthly Compensation'
and your 'Anticipated purchases or other service credits in years'.
You may want to change your 'Planned Retirement Date'.

Your monthly retirement allowance is a lifetime benefit. The option you choose is irrevocable and determines your lifetime monthly retirement allowance and the benefit provided to your beneficiary upon your death. There are a number of different retirement options available to you at the time of your retirement. The Unmodified benefit provides the highest monthly payment that you can receive. Please discuss these options with your SCERS counselor to determine which one is right for you.

Benefit estimates calculated during the operation of the Retirement Benefit Calculator Program are derived from data in the member’s retirement account as well as data supplied by the member at the time of the calculation. No statement in the electronic document produced in the Retirement Benefit Calculator Program is considered a legally binding interpretation, enlargement, or amendment of the provisions contained in the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937. Those provisions control all rights and benefits provided for each member, retiree, and qualified beneficiary.